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Here's a secret: not everyone needs a moisturizer. Only people with dry skin need one. That includes people with dryness triggered by a retinoid (vitamin A medicine) such as retinol or prescription retinoids such as tretinoin, tazarotene, adapalene, or isotretinoin. In addition to using a moisturizer to "seal in" moisture, be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin well hydrated! Any of the products below are great choices for a moisturizer, depending on how dry you are.

We recommend the following moisturizer for areas on the face with mild dryness:

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Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion
This moisturizer is a great choice for areas of the face with mild to moderate dryness. It's non-comedogenic, which means it is friendly for acne-prone skin. It can be used in the AM or the PM. And it's great for treating retinoid-related dryness.

We recommend the following moisturizer for areas on the face with moderate dryness:

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Aveeno Skin Relief Moisture Repair Cream
This moisturizer is a great choice for areas of the face with moderate to severe dryness. It's non-comedogenic, which means it is friendly for acne-prone skin. It can be used in the AM or the PM. And it's great for treating retinoid-related dryness. It's thicker than the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion above.

We recommend the following moisturizer for areas on the face with severe dryness:

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This moisturizer is a great choice for areas of the face with severe dryness. It's non-comedogenic, which means it is friendly for acne-prone skin. It can be used in the evening before sleep. And it's great for treating retinoid-related dryness, especially isotretinoin related dryness of the lips. It's thick and greasy, so be sure to use an older pillowcase!